Friday, 28 September 2012

Strolling Part 2

Over the last couple of weekends I have been helping my good lady out by taking her to a few places she wanted to go. I took my sketchbook along to capture a few thoughts and scenes. 

Just about everywhere we went I was greeted by a similar view of curved bodywork, glass and graphics. Parked in on roadsides, fields, villages and suburbs, the car was prolific. From pride and joy to the humble family workhorse, I found them sitting in the foreground or scattered across a distant landscape.

I grabbed a coffee and sat outside a cafe for a while. Before me was a pedestrian crossing, I watched as vehicles stopped to allow people to cross, drivers muttered as they suffered a short wait and seemed displeased when they were not acknowledged by those walking the white lined tarmac.

I turned my gaze to my left and looked upon a simple street scene. Within my mind I removed the lines of cars and the graphics of the shops and businesses. I then drew down what I saw. Beyond the modern mayhem was a simple village home set against a backdrop of trees and a small church. Something quite serene.

Some look at what is in front of them, some look to future possibilities. Perhaps it is worth seeing the quietness beneath and the hard work, craft, experiences and understanding within the distant past still living before our eyes.


  1. beautifully presented! ~ blessed be! ~ dear kindred brother!... ...hugs to both of yoU!... ...xXx... ...Samantha...

    1. Thank you Samantha,
      Appreciated as always. I hope you are back enjoying your wanders after the sadness of your last post.
      Fond regards

  2. I very much agree with your final thought - we miss so much and take for granted the familiar too easily.
    There IS too much busyness (visual, auditory etc), even in the most remote spots. I was struck by some photographs I took in the late '70s of the lanes I used to bicycle on the way to work. What surprised me was how little clutter there was. Just a ribbon of dusty grey tarmac threading between tall hedges and ancient trees. Today, white lines highlight the road edges and signs warn and cajole the user. Road signs, white lines and steel warning chevrons line the most remote mountain roads.

    1. Thank you as always
      I too can remember the lanes and countryside of the late 1970's The clutter of the past few years seems to have really crept up on us, but when you live in the middle of it all the time it seems to almost go unnoticed. It is only when brought to the front of the mind it becomes so obvious and I dread to think what it will be like if it continues.
